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Site Projects

As an academic artist I do not have to follow trends to sell anything. That is a powerful; and I try to use that power for good and not fit into a box of any kind. As that can be confusing to people, I have broken extensive art projects into individual sites. 

PlantBot Genetics

PlantBot Genetics is the website that catalogues the ongoing collaboration called PlantBot Genetics with artist Jeff Schmuki. This project begun by fusing robotics and genetically modified plants that would travel to communities to begin discussion about food issues. This colloboration grew to incorporate many issues of sustainabilty and food including solar power, pollination, coral restoration, hydroponics, etc... Currently the projects are dissemenated through one of three labs.



WYWIWYG is a large format traveling installation project which changes and grows with ever place it visits. The community is invited to participate and it is their direct interaction with it that gives the project life. It is like a b-movie blob that grows with every stop eating away at gallery structure and providing its audience with a direct way to interact with art, no matter age, education or cultural background.

GET ART OF ITS ASS! is the website that catalogues the international unauthorized actions and critical interruptions that are born from my ever expanding search to find ways to give art an honest days work. is the site which catalogues all the 2-d works including murals and my love of painting investigations. This site also contains teaching academic outreach projects created in painting classes.

© 2024 by Wendy DesChene 

Contact: wdeschene(at)

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